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KOC invites you to Angacom 2018, Cologne, Germany

Time: 2018-06-26 Views: 533

   As one of the most important expos, Angacom is a great platform for international telecommunications and media industry.  There will be more than 500 exhibitors and estimated 19000 visitors gathering in Cologne this year.

        KOC is getting ready for this 3 day show starting on June 12th. You can expect tons of new product innovations this year at our stand. Such as  preterminated cables, terminal boxes, closures, new field installable connectors, adapters, attenuators, loop-backs, PLC, splitters and our latest Datacenter components.

        Don´t miss out and mark your calendar June 12-14th...Stand O53...KOC staff will be honored to meet with you and  introduce you to our latest technological solutions ...  

        We´ll see you there!

KOC invites you to Angacom 2018, Cologne, Germany(图1)

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